Sermonette: The Anger of Man

Righteous and Unrighteous Anger

Given 26-Mar-05; 16 minutes


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There are righteous expression of anger and sinful ones. Jesus often expressed anger toward the Pharisees for their lack of compassion. Righteous anger is controlled, unselfish, and directed toward sinful acts, while sinful anger is uncontrolled, selfish, and directed toward people in malice, hatred, and revenge. Anger greatly augments many physical maladies, as the immune system becomes compromised when anger gets out of control. Unrighteous anger is defeated when we: 1) acknowledge sinful anger, 2) examine its causes, and 3) put on kindness, tenderheartedness, and forgiveness, emulating our Elder Brother Jesus Christ. Man's wrath does not produce God's righteousness.

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