Sermonette: Katrina, Rita, Trumpets, and Judgment

What We Can Learn from Disaster

Given 01-Oct-05; 20 minutes


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New Orleans is unquestionably one of the most dysfunctional venues in North America, with the murder rate 10% above the national average and the home of numerous perverted lifestyles. However, we must exercise caution at jumping to conclusions, making the inference that the suffering of people involved in the wake of the storm was a judgment from God. For one thing, the French Quarter (and Bourbon Street) was relatively unscathed. Even though generally speaking, disobedience automatically brings punishment while obedience brings blessing, the entirety of physical Israel has enough guilt from sin to pass around. We need to be sobered by these disasters, realizing our culpability for this wrath of God. The devastations (Katrina and Rita) are displays of His wrath. If God really wanted to get rid of New Orleans, it would have looked like Sodom and Gomorrah. God actually exercised incredible restraint and mercy considering the magnitude of our national sins. These natural disasters should lead us all to reflect and repent.

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