Sermonette: My Parents Won't Let Me!

Reaching the Age of Accountability

Given 26-Nov-05; 15 minutes


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Young people, experiencing peer pressure, often defer to the "my parents won't let me" or the "church won't let me" excuse. One young man, who played baseball, was pressured to play on a Friday night. The coaches pressured his parents to persuade him, who replied said, "It's totally up to him." The young man, on his own, told his team members and his fellow players that it was his own decision. There comes a time in all of our lives when we cannot pass the buck, but must totally rely on God to direct our steps. Teenagers and adults are admonished to memorize Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 16:5, and Proverbs 3:6 for those times when temptation is particularly intense. Ecclesiastes 11:9 warns us that all of our behavior will eventually be evaluated.

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