Sermonette: The Days of Independence

7 Freedoms We Have In Christ

Given 13-Apr-06; 13 minutes


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The Days of Unleavened Bread symbolize freedom and liberty. When we compare mankind's distorted view of freedom (license to do as one pleases) with God's perspective of freedom (the capacity to exercise godly righteousness), true freedom cannot coexist with sin (the ultimate form of bondage) . As America keeps one day of Independence, the Israel of God keeps seven days of Independence. Six of our precious freedoms are identified in Psalm 23. Jesus, our faithful Shepherd, provides us: (1) freedom from want (2) freedom from worry, as reflected in the peaceful rest through the Sabbath, (3) freedom from depletion, (4) freedom from the fear of the Evil One, (5) freedom from defeat, and (6) freedom from desertion. The seventh freedom constitutes the freedom from deception of Satan the Devil (Revelation 12:9). We can have these precious freedoms only by following in the path of our Shepherd, walking in truth and God's Righteousness.

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