Sermonette: Seeing Through Spiritual Eyes
Looking At Romans 8:28 In Its Context
Clyde Finklea
Given 29-Jul-06; 19 minutes
description: (hide) Even with as elaborate and intricate as our eyeballs are, they do not pick up spiritual insight, but they only see physical things. God has given us spiritual sight through the means of His Holy Spirit. Often our spiritual vision is distorted by what we see physically. When a businessman and a building engineer felt the sway of a skyscraper from the top floor, the engineer was not afraid because he knew how the building was constructed to remain vertical during extreme wind gusts. Peter started to sink after walking on the water because he took his eyes off Christ and started to look at the turbulent water around him. Looking through physical eyes will automatically lead to distorting the spiritual vision. When Asaph looked at events through physical eyes, he could only see unfairness as the wicked seemed to prosper and the righteous seemed to suffer and languish. However, as he continued to meditate on these things with spiritual eyesight, he could see the end of all things and learned to trust God for the true long term just conclusion of all things.