Sermonette: The Day of Trumpets and the Church of God
Restoring the True Worship of God
David C. Grabbe
Given 13-Sep-07; 16 minutes
description: (hide) The purpose of the trumpet to call and gather. The Day of Trumpets is the proper day to explore this gathering and calling aspect as applied to the greater church of God. As Jesus started to gather people and restore the truth of God, the Pharisees feared Jesus' influence, castigating those who paid Him heed, calling them 'uneducated rabble.' As Christ begins to call, we cannot substitute the importance of our own dwelling over the temple. Likewise, we cannot cling to our own parochial fellowships or organizations at the expense of the spiritual organism (the real temple) which stays intact while all the parochial houses are temporary and only a means to the end.