Sermonette: Smooth Words

The Deceptions of the Beast

Given 20-Aug-11; 18 minutes


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Lying, flattery, and insincere unctuous words seem to be the order of the day, describing the typical behavior of campaigning and elected officials, assuring us that they "feel our pain," but are only interested in political power and monetary gain for themselves. The vile person who will attain the title, the Beast, will gain his power through flattery and smooth, manipulative, charming words, influenced by the father of lies, Satan the devil. His deceptive lies will win over the hearts of apostates, highly susceptible to flattery and bribery. Flattery is highly effective, even when people know they are being manipulated. People are susceptible to flattery because they have a desperate need to feel good about themselves. Those most in need of personal encouragement will fall prey to manipulative flatterers. The majority of those living will succumb to the beast's flatteries, but only those with a solid relationship with God will have protection from this deception. We have to be on guard for those seductions which are in sync or resonate with some unspoken "inner needs" not in harmony with God's will.

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