Sermonette: Cain, Balaam, and Korah

The Question of Will

Given 09-Jun-12; 18 minutes


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Jude is a short but powerful epistle, specifically warning us to avoid the way of Cain, Balaam, and Korah. Cain, having been careless of God's instructions for offerings, especially on the need for atonement and redemption, established perhaps the first humanistic religion. Balaam, unconcerned about what God wanted and totally driven by greed, looked for practical loopholes in God's Law, placing stumbling blocks before God's people. Korah, ignoring God's sovereignty, attempted to establish a populist rebellion, bringing death on a large number of his fellow Israelites. We see parallels in current splinters of the greater church of God, in which some ministers have taken on titles of aplomb, which God did not give them. We need to emulate our Elder Brother, ignoring all these shortcuts to power and glory.

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