Sermonette: Make Every Day Count

Wasted Days and Wasted Nights

Given 03-Oct-12; 18 minutes


playlist Go to the Feast of Tabernacles 2012 playlist

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The story of the Donner Party teaches us to diligently make every day count, making careful preparations. The Donner party had tried to cut 300 miles from the trek by taking the Hastings Cutoff, a passage barely navigable by foot. Donner ignored the warnings of James Bridger, who said the passage would be impossible to negotiate. Ignoring every warning not to proceed, the Donner party pushed on, lead by a kind 'false prophet' Lansford Hastings (who had never really taken this route personally) and Donner. The detour, instead of being faster, delayed their trek, leading to the demise of half the party, involving betrayal, murder, Indian attacks, freezing, starvation, cannibalism, insanity, and death. If they could have had a do-over they would have never followed someone who didn't know where he was going, but would take a more orthodox route, making every day count.

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