Playlist: Feast of Tabernacles 2012


The Handwriting on the Wall (2012)

A Culture in Steep Decline
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 30-Sep-12; 53 minutes

Lying and flattering seem to be the modus operandi of many of the officials holding public office, from the President to the constable.

Why Be Industrious?

John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 01-Oct-12; 21 minutes

God ordained profit and productive work. Work is a gift from Almighty God, bestowed on our original parents with the order to tend and keep.

Dystopia? Utopia?

Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 01-Oct-12; 71 minutes

The Great Tribulation is the ultimate dystopia. The return of Christ will avenge all the crimes committed against God's people, as God's Kingdom is restored.

Judgments: Past, Present, and Future

Clyde Finklea
Given 01-Oct-12; 18 minutes

Judging ourselves will soften the judgment of God when we appear the judgment seat of Christ, a venue where our works will be examined.

Where Do We Fit?

John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 01-Oct-12; 88 minutes

The church exists because of what God has purposed and done, not because anything we have done. When pride exists within us, God can do nothing with us.

Where is the Bride?

Ronny H. Graham
Given 02-Oct-12; 15 minutes

The Holy City is depicted as a radiant bride. This fantastic sight appears after the culmination of cataclysmic events and the return of Christ.

Re-Embracing the Berean Model

David F. Maas
Given 02-Oct-12; 72 minutes

We must use Berean self-reflexiveness to become teachable, to search for hidden sins, to detect spiritual blindspots, and to admit when we are wrong.

Make Every Day Count

Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Mike Ford
Given 03-Oct-12; 18 minutes

If the Donner party could have had a do-over, they would have followed someone who knew where he was going, taking a known route, making every day count.

One Nation Under God (Part One)

Martin G. Collins
Given 03-Oct-12; 76 minutes

National renewal cannot take place unless there is a true turning from sin and commitment to following the Law of God.

What Does God Treasure?

The Pearl of Great Price
Ted E. Bowling
Given 04-Oct-12; 16 minutes

The merchant in the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price is not us seeking God, but it is Jesus Christ seeking us. We are the pearl of great price.

The Capital of the World

Standing on the Walls of New Jerusalem
Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)
Given 04-Oct-12; 37 minutes

New York is the current "Capital of the world" while Jerusalem is the imminent new capital of the world. The choice we have is present glitz or future glory.

Martha, Martha

Properly Discerning our Gifts
Mark Schindler
Given 04-Oct-12; 38 minutes

Martha used her gifts, but to an excessive extreme. Jesus had to reel her in, setting her on a more productive course. We must use our gifts responsibly.

Intelligent Governing in God's Kingdom

Gilbert Boyer
Given 05-Oct-12; 21 minutes

Having the ability to apply God's word will give God's called-out ones to govern in God's Kingdom.

Reluctant Leaders

Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 05-Oct-12; 75 minutes

Do we as God's called-out ones find ourselves reluctant heirs to the throne or priesthood? We are all commoners, not yet equipped for rulership.


James Beaubelle
Given 06-Oct-12; 20 minutes

The tempestuous end times depicted in II Timothy 3:1 indicate a serious erosion of family government and family cohesiveness, producing dysfunctional children.

One Nation Under God (Part Two)

Martin G. Collins
Given 06-Oct-12; 75 minutes

We need to follow Nehemiah's example in submitting to God, focusing on the right goals, having wisdom in handling complex situations, and having courage.

I Saw God Today- How About You?

Bill Onisick
Given 06-Oct-12; 20 minutes

Sometimes we miss God's interventions. Those little things that may seem insignificant could be nudges from our Heavenly Father to get us back on course.

Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty (Part One)

John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 06-Oct-12; 75 minutes

We are mandated to live by faith, being given trials of faith in order to chisel our character. We must totally and unreservedly accept God's sovereignty.

Our Core Understanding

The Bedrock of Our Belief
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 07-Oct-12; 16 minutes

Our anchorage in this chaotic mess is subjection to God with all our minds and all our hearts. 'The Lord our God; the Lord is One' is the bedrock of our faith.

The Harvest is Almost In

John O. Reid
Given 07-Oct-12; 38 minutes

Without Jesus Christ ruling this earth, mankind cannot govern himself one iota. Good times are coming to the earth when God's governance will restore all things.

The Certainty of God's Promises

Kim Myers
Given 07-Oct-12; 50 minutes

If we measure God's promises by our own behavior, it would be discouraging and disappointing. But God can be absolutely trusted to keep all of His promises.

The Awe-Inspiring Creative Work of God

Martin G. Collins
Given 08-Oct-12; 16 minutes

The creative work of God is awe-inspiring, dynamic, powerful, and alive. Evolution has proved to be a ridiculous attempt to explain creation.

The Sixth Century Axial Period (Part One)

John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 08-Oct-12; 71 minutes

A prophet is one who carries a message from another. A true prophet's message will derive from existing Scripture, even if he is breaking new, unexplored ground.

Breakfast by the Sea

Jesus and Peter in John 21
David C. Grabbe
Given 08-Oct-12; 18 minutes

Following the great catch of fish, Jesus asked Peter whether he had Agape love for Him, but Peter could only answer that he had Phileo affection for Him.

A Millennium of Preparation

Getting Ready for the Next Step of the Plan
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 08-Oct-12; 62 minutes

God has been preparing His plan from before the foundation of the world, and life's complexity and symbiosis reveal a super-competent Designer and Planner.

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