Sermonette: Christ's Wake-up Call to the Churches
Ronny H. Graham
Given 16-Feb-13; 18 minutes
description: (hide) The Potter has absolute control of the outcome of the emerging pottery and bricks. Kiln-dried bricks have more durability than sun-dried bricks. Sometimes the hardness of the brick has become a metaphor of arrogance or stiffness, as depicted by Isaiah 9:8-10. Instead of yielding to the Potter and repenting, Israel rebuilt the towers in an attitude of pride and defiance. We need to be careful that we (as the scattered Church of God) do not have the same attitude as national Israel. Some scattered fragments of the greater Church of God have been trying to rebuild the church better than before, with some claiming smugly, "We are the only ones doing the work." This attitude was the same one that ended Elijah's tenure as prophet. God was responsible for our scattering, and He is not impressed with puny splinter groups arrogantly proclaiming their exclusive commission as being the "only ones" doing the work. The very fact that there are contemporaneous churches in Revelation indicates that the mantel has not gone to one leader or corporation. We need to humbly submit to the Potter as He shapes us and gives us our commission.