
playlist Go to the Potter and Clay Analogy (topic) playlist

In the Hands of the Potter

Sermonette by Ted E. Bowling

As the Master Potter, God will apply the water of His Holy Spirit to make us more malleable, enabling Him to turn the lump of clay into a flawless work.

Firstfruits and the Master Potter

Sermon by Clyde Finklea

The Potter and Clay analogy provides instructions for understanding character-building tests and trials in the life-long sanctification process.

Another Look at the Book of Job

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

Where did Job's righteousness come from? Was his character a product of evolution, or was it intelligently formed out of nothingness like the rest of creation?

The Master of Time

Sermonette by Levi W. Graham

Time can be viewed as our greatest adversary or our principal asset, depending on how we use this commodity to conform to the purpose God has intended for us.

The Doctrine of Israel (Part Seven): Romans 9

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Paul describes physical Israel as broken branches, allowing gentile branches to be grafted in, ultimately leading to the return of Israel to God's grace.

The Vessels of Wrath

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

Sometimes we see God as unfair, but when we remember that we are worthy of death, we understand that God has demonstrated far more mercy than harshness.

The Sovereignty of God (Part Two)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Nothing and no one can thwart God's purposes. We need to develop the faith to yield and conform to His will as clay in the potter's hands.

Boundaries, Incursions, Migrations, and God (Part Two)

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Even though the way God exercises His sovereignty is inscrutable to us , calling the foolish to confound the wise, all He does fits perfectly into His plan.

Hebrews: Its Background (Part Two)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Hebrews emphasizes that Jesus qualified as High Priest, teaching us about living by faith in the New Covenant, which mandates that we keep His commandments.

Leadership and the Covenants (Part Fourteen)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Only God's calling, followed by repentance and a rigorous conversion process, will safeguard us from the fiery holocaust that is coming upon this the world.

The Sovereignty of God (Part Six)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

God has consistently moved His creation toward its ultimate purpose, setting the bounds of nations, motivating rulers to pursue a certain course of action.

The Sovereignty of God: Part Seven

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

One aspect of sovereignty that causes some confusion is predestination. God's sovereignty does not remove a person's free moral agency — we must still choose.

Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty (Part One)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Most converted Christians realize that God is sovereign. But sometimes the Bible reveals something about God that makes us uncomfortable. Can we accept it?

Leadership and Covenants (Part Seventeen)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Because the world is under the sway of the wicked one, if mankind were left to its own choices, the world would revert to the condition before the Flood.

God's Sovereignty and the Church's Condition (Part Two)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

God's hand was definitely involved in the scattering of the church. We should respond by growing and preparing ourselves for His Kingdom.

God's Workmanship (Part 1)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

God's creation did not end with the physical creation or our election, but God continues to work, giving us the motivation and the power to do His will.

Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty (Part One)

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

We are mandated to live by faith, being given trials of faith in order to chisel our character. We must totally and unreservedly accept God's sovereignty.

Sovereignty, Election, and Grace (Part One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

God, as Creator, takes the initiative (as the potter over the clay) for the elect's salvation, enabling us to build the repertoire of habits called character.

His Eye Is on the Sparrow (Part Three)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

We do not need to excessively fear Satan, his demons, or the world, but we should fear and respect the One who has complete involvement in our lives.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Nine)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Only those called by God are given insight into God's grand design, making living by faith possible. God adds understanding as we are able to use it.

Leadership and Covenants (Part Ten)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

God and Noah worked side by side to deliver the remnant of humanity through the Flood, God supplying the sanctification and grace and Noah obeying in faith.

Leadership and the Covenants (Part Ten)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Ezekiel prophetically warns Israelites today of imminent cultural collapse because of ungodly leadership. We must treasure and appreciate the truth we have.

The Sovereignty of God (Part Eleven)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Understanding God's sovereignty as a basic doctrine provides a link between knowledge and practice, as well as providing motivation to yield to God's purpose.

Unleavened Bread and the Holy Spirit (Part One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

God's command to eat unleavened bread teaches that He rescued His people from the bondage of sin, something they had no power to accomplish of themselves.

Power Belongs to God (Part Two)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Human beings, even those who have been called, have an innate fear that God will not always provide. This fear originates in doubt about God's power.