Sermonette: Letting Go (Part Two): Avoid the Void
The Responsibilities of Our Calling
Joseph B. Baity
Given 05-Sep-15; 19 minutes
description: (hide) The carnal man's mission statement appears in Genesis 11:4: "let us make a name for ourselves, let us build ourselves a tower, defining our own destiny, imposing our will on everyone, including our own Creator." Mankind is solemnly warned in Romans 1:28-32, that if it refuses to acknowledge God, the automatic penalty is the curse of a reprobate mind, degenerating into base, disgusting perversion, and a yawning void. There are NO carnal solutions which can fill this void, re-instating meaning to life. Social media, entertainment, self-help books cannot fulfill mankind's longing for the meaning of life; only God's Holy Spirit can do that. The more we compromise with the world, the more frustrated and anxiety-laden we will become. As we follow God's way, the more we will stick out like a sore thumb, but the more we will be appropriating the peace of God through His Holy Spirit, providing a beacon of light to our poor hapless neighbors who have not yet received God's Holy Spirit. If we look at our unconverted neighbors and see a reflection of ourselves, we are not much of a witness. God expects us to radiate His character, demonstrating a positive escape from the horrible bondage of sin and carnality. Filling the void is not found in carnal solutions, but in the gift of God's Holy Spirit.