Sermonette: Identity Crisis


Given 19-Aug-17; 18 minutes


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The media seems to be creating major identification dysphoria among the populace by destroying age-old cultural norms such as work ethic, family, and liberty, replacing these norms by family-wrecking agendas. The government-controlled media, under the sway of Satanic influence, has succeeded in promoting homosexual, transgender, trans-human, and trans-species movements, encouraging bewildered pre-pubescent youth to question their gender and species identity. The same virulent media has attempted to divide men from women, black from white, youth from elderly, labor from management, etc. While the 'progressive' media blatantly perverts what is to be human, we as God's called-out ones need to think as Christ thinks, dismantling our carnal human nature, replacing it with God's Holy Spirit, enabling us to become holy as Christ is holy. Our responsibility is to be unified through God's Holy Spirit, living together to serve truth.

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