Sermonette: Our Spiritual Marathon

Drawing Near To God

Given 01-Dec-18; 19 minutes


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We all have goals and trials, but often pride makes us think we know better than God what course is best for us to follow. Our God has a greater purpose in mind than we can imagine. Consequently, it behooves us not only to accept God's will, but also to earnestly desire it as our will, and not to kick against the goads, as Saul initially reacted. If we react negatively to God's will, things will never turn out well. If we lack strength or faith, we must draw closer to God, and God will reciprocally draw near to us, renewing our flagging strength, giving us the endurance to succeed. Only when we yield completely to His oversight will we receive the endurance and patience to finish the grueling spiritual marathon, as we follow closely in the footsteps of Christ.

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