Sermonette: Responsibilities of Real Liberty
Mark Schindler
Given 16-Mar-19; 22 minutes
description: (hide) A piece of paper, such as Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, does not really set people free, especially from the slavery of human nature, perpetually at enmity with God and His Law. A piece of paper, even coupled with political and military might, cannot truly set a people free. Sadly, freedom from slavery does not remove the bondage to sin and self-serving carnal nature. Today, our nation is driven by the lusts of the eyes and the powerful pulls of the flesh. Martin Luther King's inspirational words about not drinking from the fountain of bitterness, and about not judging people by the color of their skin, but by their character, have fallen on deaf ears, twisted by Satanic politics. As God's people, we must not wallow in the filth of worldly politics. Rather, we must remember that our citizenship is in the coming Kingdom of God and the only real freedom comes from living God's way of life.