Sermonette: Our Final Performance Review
Developing Diligent Stewardship
Bill Onisick
Given 15-Jun-19; 19 minutes
description: (hide) Without well-defined plans, projects become quickly derailed. A corollary of Parkinson's Law ("work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion") is that both time and energy are wasted in the absence of carefully established goals. If a worker does not submit himself to the discipline of well-defined goals, he expends energy, but does not efficiently complete his work, as when a locomotive "spins" its drivers in icy weather. Both Noah and Joseph demonstrate the detail and complexity of God's plans. Christ's sacrifice, as well as the details of our calling, were meticulously planned before the foundation of the world. Diligent planning leads to abundance while sloth leads to penury. Proverbs 24:30-34 teaches us that sloth and neglect are just as deadly as deliberate sabotage. The Parable of the Talents teaches that the Children of Light are responsible to use of their physical and spiritual assets in order to edify one another, realizing that one day we will be giving a detailed account to Our Savior.