Sermonette: Seek My Face


Given 31-Aug-19; 16 minutes


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If we ask, the Father will give us good gifts, just as mortal parents give their children what they ask, providing it is good for them. When Moses implored the Lord to show him His glory, God shielded him from the blinding rays of His countenance. Many scriptures express the writer's desire to seek God's face (Psalms 24:3-6; 27:4; 105:1-4). When God turns His face from us, the prospect is terrifying. God turns His face away from those who have committed sin. Our entire spiritual pilgrimage is a quest to see God's face in full splendor (Psalm 17:15, I John 3:2-3; Revelation 22:1-5). We desire to see Him as He is, from the viewpoint of one transformed from a mortal being into a spirit one, joining our fellow resurrected Saints in a homecoming as we come into the presence of Almighty God, seeing His face in full splendor.

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