Sermonette: Daily Overcoming

The All Day, Every Day Process of Making Selfless Decisions

Given 11-Jan-20; 20 minutes


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Daily reflection helps to identify troublesome areas in our lives that need to be overcome. Without such systematic self-reflection, overcoming specific faults cannot gain traction. The creation of journal entries identifies facets in our life which are incongruent from what we want to be. God has called us to avoid overtly doing something bad (I John 3:4) as well as to avoid shunning right actions (James 4:17). Every action we take must reflect progress in our drive to overcome our carnal nature. In order to overcome that nature, we must be aware of, and repelled by, any behavior which separates us from God. Overcoming demands a daily routine of self-examination and reflecting on our spiritual resources—which includes God's Holy Spirit, the source of our victory. Whoever is born of God will overcome through Him. As the wise virgins, we must be prepared for the Bridegroom, making daily progress to eradicate sin.

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