Sermonette: The Same Mind, Judgment, and Speech


Given 15-Aug-20; 17 minutes


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Herbert Spencer noted that "When a man's knowledge is not in order, the more of it he has, the greater is his confusion." The knowledge explosion currently underway is confusing if one leaves out the knowledge of God. Knowledge, even correct knowledge, could prove faulty. All knowledge, even biblical knowledge, has the tendency to puff up, causing inordinate pride. Being technically correct may not edify but lead to resentment. As God's people pursue knowledge, they need to remember the danger of pride. The Corinthian church was just as divided as God's Church is today because of pride in spiritual gifts. If God's people have the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16), they will be able to agree with their spiritual siblings. While the children of Light do not receive the fullness of Christ's mind at baptism, they must seek Christ's mind through continuous searching of Scripture to determine how their minds reflect the mind of Christ. All earthly knowledge is trivial compared to Godly knowledge.

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