Sermonette: I Desire Mercy and Not Sacrifice
Clyde Finklea
Given 04-Oct-20; 21 minutes
description: (hide) David and his men illegally consumed the showbread reserved for the priests. In Jesus' conversation with the Pharisees where He used this incident to justify His disciples' picking grain on the Sabbath, He teaches that God desires mercy over sacrifice. After the Pharisees judged Christ for keeping company with tax collectors and sinners, He replied that those who are healthy have no need of a physician, but those who are weak and sick. Hosea 6:1 suggests that, after God chastens Israel and Judah—and their subsequent forsaking of their sins, He will show mercy on them. God defaults in mercy and love to those who grow in grace and knowledge of God. Likewise, He calls on His children to default in mercy to those who have stumbled and on those whom He has not yet called.