Sermonette: Service with a Smile

Called to Serve Not Be Served

Given 11-Sep-21; 19 minutes


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The restaurant owners' insistence that the "customer is always right" is perhaps driven more by the bottom line than a sincere desire to serve and is in contrast to Jesus Christ's expectations of His disciples that they serve expecting nothing in return. In Matthew 20:25-26, Jesus warned His followers not to imitate Gentile rulers who pompously rule over others, but to imitate Him Who, as a human, totally divested Himself of His divinity and assumed the role of a bondservant, serving family, friends, and enemies, teaching that whoever wants to become great must assume the role of a servant (diakanos), slave or bondservant (dulos), running errands and doing menial chores. We must be willing to sacrifice time, treasure, and talents to serve our spiritual siblings in fellowship, carefully listening and offering encouragement, never assuming that what they have to offer is insignificant or unimportant (Matthew 23:11-12). God's Feasts are times when His people have multiple opportunities to serve their brethren—a time when all of His saints should work harder to serve one another, expecting nothing in return, becoming true children of God in the process (Luke 6:35), following the High Priest's example of not coming to be served, but to give His life as a sacrifice for all humanity.

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