Sermonette: Relationship with the World


Given 13-Nov-21; 16 minutes


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God's people need to exercise caution when involving themselves in relationships with people in the world, realizing it could lead to serious compromise with God's Law and a life of regret and misery, not unlike Jimmy Stewart's character who prays that he would have never been born. Often desire for companionship could lead to stepping over the line, leading one to become unequally yoked with an unbeliever, compromising on God's Law regarding the Sabbath, and yielding to the world's culture. The world and its culture, replete with Pagan holidays, have been designed by Satan to destroy God's people. After we commit our lives at baptism, gaining access to the discerning power of God's Holy Spirit, it is dangerous to compartmentalize our lives, behaving one way around God's people and another way around our worldly companions, who do not yet have God's Spirit. If one develops the reputation of being willing to compromise the world, he or she will be a poor candidate for being blessed with a godly mate. For God's people, the focus must be exclusively on God's purpose for them, realizing that abundant blessings accrue if they put God's Kingdom first (Matthew 6:33). Priorities must be placed in the proper order before involving oneself in a relationship with someone without God's Spirit.

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