Sermonette: Does Jesus See You as His Friend?


Given 25-Dec-21; 17 minutes


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God the Father expects those whom He calls (John 6:44) to submit to His Son in every aspect of their lives. In John 15:14, Jesus puts a condition on our friendship that we are His friends if we do what He commands, unlike the Protestant assumption that to believe "on His name" is the only requirement. Jesus assured His followers that He did not come to destroy the Law or the prophets, but instead to magnify it, making it more binding. Jesus also commands us to love our spiritual siblings in God's royal family, loving them as He has loved us. In the model prayer in Matthew 6, we learn that God's forgiveness of our sins or trespasses is contingent upon our willingness to forgive others. Even after having done all these things, we are still unprofitable servants until we develop an intense, mature intimacy with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and our spiritual siblings. Does Jesus see each one of us as His friend?

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