Sermonette: The Cheerful Giver

The Joy of Giving

Given 01-Jan-22; 16 minutes


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When homeless indigent people approach asking for a handout, we may feel a reluctance to help out or find ourselves in a quandary about what to give. But when someone helps us when we experience a gaping need, the immense value of charity becomes apparent. Even though in the trying times in which we currently live it is difficult to be a cheerful giver, we must remember that God loves a cheerful giver and that when one sows sparingly, he will also reap sparingly (II Corinthians 9:6-7). God's law states explicitly that when we see a poor man among our brethren, we shall not harden our hearts, but instead open our hands widely, giving him whatever he needs (Deuteronomy 15:7-10). Giving generously leads to increasing blessings for the giver. Malachi 3:10 teaches that if one is faithful in tithing, God will open the windows of heaven, pouring down blessings. Besides treasure, time is another valuable commodity to share with brethren. Spending time on the phone, writing cards, or performing physical help is just as needful. Whether we give money or time, it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

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