Sermonette: Walking the Tightrope
Maintaining Balance
Bill Onisick
Given 08-Jan-22; 21 minutes
description: (hide) Last July, four German tightrope walkers broke a world record crossing a 1.3-mile Arctic valley on a highwire, continually aware that lack of concentration and a false step could plunge them to an instant death. Our calling could be compared to tightrope walking, in which balance and proportion must be assiduously maintained and elements are equal or in correct proportion. God is the author of honest scales (Leviticus 19:36) and the enemy of dishonest scales (Proverbs 11:1) which are considered an abomination. Balances and scales metaphorically depict God weighing the motives of the heart, which must be measured against the measuring rock of God's absolute righteousness and purity. When our character is measured against the Righteous Rock (Matthew 7:24-27), the deficit becomes apparent. When God tests the sincerity of our love, faith, motives, or work, He must prove or measure it against a perfect standard (Romans 14:22, II Corinthians 8:8). Realizing the stern balance against false weights or measurements, we must seek a proportional balance, replacing self-centeredness to God centeredness (Micah 6:11, Isaiah 26:6-7). Devotion to prayer and study must be carefully balanced with fellowship. When we spend too much time on one thing, neglecting something else (such as serving or fellowship), we become unbalanced, requiring adjustment from Almighty God.