Sermonette: What God's Love Is Not


Given 05-Mar-22; 20 minutes


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An increasing number of the world's churches have bought into the lethal idea that the Bible is not the literal word of God, motivated by the desire to protect "politically correct" positions such as abortion, homosexuality, sodomy, and other perversions which the Bible clearly condemns. Recently, a woman with a PH.D., having graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary, serving as a pastor of a Northeastern church, wrote a deceptive, equivocal article, titled "The Integrity of Love," implying that "expansive love" includes accepting homosexuality and other forms of perversions. She naively ignores the destruction of Sodom, the Great Flood, Paul's warning that homosexuals will receive a debased, reprobate mind (Romans 1:26-27), and the condemnation of murderers, homosexuals, and liars into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:21). God intensely hates sin, and His Love does not accept or embrace evil of any kind, but punishes and corrects, even to the point of death (tragically making the sacrifice of His Son necessary). This article is an attack on the true law of God and those who believe in it. Love does not do away with the truth of God's Word! Love does not do away with His law! Love does not condone sin!

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