Sermonette: Tested: Our Trust in God's Promises

God Has Our Backs

Given 12-Mar-22; 15 minutes


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Because God's people keep God's commandments and follow His lead, they draw considerable negative tension from people around them (including family, friends, and acquaintances), experiencing persecution and harassment. A seeming contradiction begins to emerge as they process the multiple promises that God will heal all diseases and deliver them from the curses raining down on lawbreakers, but then observes that God's people experience considerable persecution, health crises, and death, straining the confidence in God's credulity. As we are exposed to the Satanic, 'progressive' woke culture, turning sex-roles upside down, murdering millions of infants, and inflicting criminal vaccine mandates on the gullible populace, calling good evil and evil good, God's saints realize that they are living at the mercy of His grace as sheep among ravenous wolves with a target on their backs. We must process uncomfortable thoughts, realizing righteous people indeed suffer persecution and death. When we signed on to our spiritual course, at the time of our baptism, we agreed to unconditional surrender, and the prospect of loving Christ more than our family and our own lives, following the example of our Lord and Savior, remembering that if we lose our lives for Christ's sake, we will find them. As we learn from Job, God has predetermined specific trials all must go through for testing and bringing to a higher level of spiritual growth. Though times will become increasingly confusing and chaotic, we cannot stay discouraged, but must emulate the apostle Paul, who was determined to know nothing but Christ and Him crucified.

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