Sermonette: In Honor of the Father

The Fruit of Obedience

Given 18-Jun-22; 18 minutes


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Thankfully, Father's Day still exists on calendars, providing a platform for honoring our physical fathers and our Heavenly Father who established the family structure and the sanctity of marriage. The current leftist woke regime under the sway of Satan the devil, sadly extant in all the lands of Jacob's offspring, promotes infanticide, sodomy, and genital mutilation, hating intensely the family structure designed by Almighty God, denigrating especially the father, a perpetual target of scorn. The world's Christianity teaches that the law of God was nailed to the cross and that any attempt to keep His commandments (including that harsh 'Jewish' seventh day Sabbath, and the commandment to honor parents-the commandment promising long life) denies faith in Christ and His grace. God's promise of the New Covenant and the writing of His Holy laws on our hearts would seem quite counterproductive if Jesus were supposed to obliterate the law through His death. Christ made it clear that until heaven and earth pass away (events which have not happened) not one jot or tittle would disappear from the law and that whoever teaches anyone to break or ignore them would be called least in God's Kingdom. Jesus never taught us not to worry about keeping them because He has already kept them for us. If the apostle Paul teaches that the law is done away, as many then and now continue to believe, why does he instruct the Ephesians to diligently keep the commandment to honor their parents? Catholics and Protestants loathe the Sabbath commandment, the test commandment that demonstrates that we are serious about honoring and worshipping Him, the antithesis of cheap grace of the world's mainstream religions vilifying all attempts to obey God's law.

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