Sermonette: Enduring to the End of What?


Given 03-Jun-23; 18 minutes


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No matter how old we become, we learn that every previous event and decision in our lives has shaped our resultant character, including the bad decisions that led us down a wrong path. We realize that for us time and chance no longer apply and every action or decision, good or bad, serves as the foundation for building godly character. We can be confident that God has been working with us, as He worked with Joseph and Jacob, providing needed tests and trials to make us better than we are right now. In other words, the trials that feel like punishments or curses are the steppingstones to godly character to those who love God. Like Joseph and Jacob, we need to navigate every obstacle every minute and hour, trusting in God's sovereignty over every factor in our lives, and furthermore realize that He loves us and wants us to succeed in His divine plan. Every situation in our lives has either been caused or allowed by Almighty God to change our character from carnal to godly. Our response to the knowledge that God is with us continually should be to yield to His shaping, taking the narrow over the broad path, giving thanks continually, and praying without ceasing, realizing that the final chapter of our story is far from complete.

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