Sermonette: State of Fear
Fearing God
Ryan McClure
Given 23-Sep-23; 16 minutes
description: (hide) Over the past several years, the Covid virus outbreak has succeeded in paralyzing the world's populace with fear of death, enforcing lockdowns, travel restrictions, mask mandates, and tyrannical proof of vaccine compliance. The corrupt governments of the world shamelessly harness fear to enslave a gullible and naïve population. After witnessing disease outbreak and several deaths following the Feast of Tabernacles, God's people have been terrified of the possibility of an encore of these tragedies. The antidote to the fear of man is the fear of Almighty God (Proverbs 1:7) and a determination to keep His spiritual and holy law, demonstrating love for Him and mankind (Matthew 22:36-40), a love which casts out all fear (I John 4:18). If we choose to fear God unconditionally (Matthew 10:27-31), we will no longer feel inclined to fear man, the threats of his corrupt governments, or any other physical threat. Paul assures us that if the Lord is our helper, we have no reason to fear anything that man can do to us (Hebrews 13:5-6).