Sermonette: Our 'Mental' Deathbed

Counting the Cost of Following

Given 13-Jan-24; 18 minutes


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Moses, in Psalm 90:10-12, asks God to teach us to number our days, realizing that our physical lives, regardless of how long we live, are finite, requiring that we develop a greater sense of urgency to get rid of our sins and establish a closer relationship with God, thereby attaining wisdom and understanding. All of us will inevitably face a rollercoaster ride of health challenges and calamities, bringing us face-to-face with our frailty and vulnerability—part of the cost of discipleship, taking up our cross, affirming that we love Almighty God even more than our lives. Loyalty to God must take priority over everything else we consider important. The apostle Paul considered anything which competed with following Christ as rubbish. Our Lord and Savior has promised all of God's called our saints that if we lose our lives for His sake, we will be rewarded with eternal life. "Counting the cost" is just another way of saying "to number (carefully evaluate) our days."

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