Sermonette: Jairus

A Story of Faith, Humility, and Patience

Given 02-Mar-24; 18 minutes


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The resurrection of Jairus' daughter mentioned in Mark 5:21-43 was quite remarkable when we consider that he, the ruler or president of the synagogue, possibly was one of Christ's critics when Jesus upended the influential members of the synagogue (Mark 1:22). Jairus initially would have had nothing positive to say about Jesus. But the affection he had toward his family members led him to carefully consider Jesus' track record of healing and resurrecting. Consequently, he had to exhibit maximum humility by falling at Jesus feet amid the crowd, all knowing Jairus' position and influence in the community. Jairus, in effect, put his livelihood and status on the line, willing to give up everything for faith in the Son of God. Jairus' faith was tested twice as Jesus was delayed as they traveled to heal his daughter—first by the woman who had suffered the blood flow, and secondly by the negative news that Jairus's daughter had died. Though these interruptions undoubtedly were agonizing, Jairus did not become anxious, but strengthened his decision to believe, humbly swallowing his pride and previous erroneous beliefs. We learn from this incident that Christ does things in His own time, sometimes delaying healing, but He always answers in the fulness of time, modeling the trust we must have in our Savior and in the faithfulness of our God.

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