Sermonette: Filling Our Vessels with Pure Oil

Building Our Relationship with God and His Family

Given 17-Aug-24; 18 minutes


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In Exodus 27:20, the children of Israel are commanded to bring pure olive oil for use in the temple, extra virgin oil attained by pressing and bruising, allowing the oil to drain naturally, yielding a high quality, but a low yield. As a symbol of God's holy spirit, this low yield represents those whom God has called, who have yielded to the shaping power of His holy spirit to sacrificially love Him and their spiritual siblings in agape love. God's spirit ignites a growing relationship between the Bridegroom Jesus Christ and His affianced bride-the church. The wise virgins have both a lamp and a vessel to keep it burning, becoming in essence a bright light to the world with their Bridegroom. A good spiritual lamp fueled by God's pure oil will shine brightly and produce no darkness, uniting heart, emotion, and will keep the letter and spirit of the law simultaneously. This pure oil is built up through our works that build up our relationship first with God and then, as we reflect His bright, pure light of Love outwardly to each other, we build up our relationships within His family.

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