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Looking Back

Sermon by Ryan McClure

We must be careful not to get too accustomed to the things of this world so that we find it difficult to leave it behind, like Lot's hapless wife.

Looking Forward

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Richard Ritenbaugh, citing Mark Twain's aphorism, "The art of prophecy is difficult, especially with respect to the future," points out that there are too many variables for any human to predict accurately. We can be thankful that God's prognostications and prophecies are totally trustworthy, many of which have already …

A Pillar of Salt

Sermonette by Joseph B. Baity

We have a mandate to flee idolatry and the contagion of worldliness. If we seek to save our lives by embracing worldliness, we will lose our lives.

How Expensive Is Your Religion? (Part Three)

CGG Weekly by Mike Ford

Christianity is not for the faint of heart. Jesus urges us to count the cost of discipleship. Many of the patriarchs had to make hard choices, as do we.

How Expensive is Your Religion?

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Mike Ford

we must soberly count the cost before we embark on our spiritual trek. Are we willing to give up our job, our family, or even our life to follow God's plan?

Glory Days

Sermonette by James C. Stoertz

There is a human tendency to reminisce about "glory days". Looking back has pros and cons: it can teach lessons but can also be harmful if it leads to disobedience or dwelling on the past. The Bible contains many examples of the dangers of looking back, such as Lot's wife and Paul's exhortation to forget what is …

Our Spiritual Climb

Sermon by Bill Onisick

Our journey to the Kingdom of God is not easy, requiring the same kind of physical and mental stamina that climbers need to climb Mount Everest.

How Expensive Is Your Religion? (Part One)

CGG Weekly by Mike Ford

Are God's requirements too exacting and difficult for us? Are we committed to the way forward, or are we spending time looking back to the world?

Godly Regret

Sermonette by Ryan McClure

Worldly sorrow is superficial and unproductive, while godly sorrow yields not only repentance, but also a bumper crop of the fruits of God's Holy Spirit.

God's Power: Our Shield Against Apostasy

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

God is not only powerful, but He is the source of all power. We can tap into God's power to avoid slipping into apostasy.

Remember Lot's Wife

'Prophecy Watch' by Ted E. Bowling

Lot's wife is best known for locking back and becoming a pillar of salt. What was so important that she yearned for Sodom? The same pull can draw us away.

The Importance of Follow-Through

Article by David F. Maas

Just as important as follow-through is in an athletic motion, its spiritual counterpart is vital to our life in Jesus Christ.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Twenty)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Our supreme objective in godly living is attainment and cultivation of wisdom, which consists of attributes giving us skill in living.

A Feast Message From Hebrews

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The Bible shows a clear pattern of how people leave the faith: looking back, drawing back, looking elsewhere, and then going backward and refusing to hear.

Entrance Exam

CGG Weekly by Mike Fuhrer

Only a relative few can meet God's standards because they are extensive and demanding. This fact is one reason 'many are called, but few are chosen.'

How to Be a Bad Disciple

Sermon/Bible Study by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Looking at discipleship from a negative perspective can help reveal errors in ourselves. Jesus shows four main attitudes that make for bad discipleship in Luke 9.

Faith (Part Four)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The example of Lot's wife teaches us that God does not want us to maintain close associations with the world because it almost inevitably leads to compromise.