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Shouting Gleanings and Singing Olives (Part Two)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles WhitakerIsaiah's apocalypse resembles Exodus, as both begin with a narration of God's judgment on sinners and then move to a description of God's continuing work.
Labor Pains
Sermonette by Ryan McClureDuring the past century, the world has experienced 'practice contractions.' These birth pangs will increase until Christ returns to establish the Kingdom.
Joy in the Lord
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGodly joy is a fruit of the Spirit that does not come naturally. It takes a while to mature, but it is infinitely more intense than human pleasure.
The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength!
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThe true source of joy does not consist on any worldly commodity, or any self-centered, hedonistic pursuit, but instead a spiritual gift, bestowed by God.