
playlist Go to the Children, not Disciplining (topic) playlist

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Over-Honoring Children

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Many misguided parents place their children on pedestals, virtually worshipping them, catering to every whim, fearing to offend them, failing to rein them in.

Happy Father's Day

Commentary by Mike Ford

Even a poor father is better than no father. In a single parent household, children are 4 times as likely to be poor, have bad grades and a confused sexual identity.

Studying the Bible

Sermon by John O. Reid

Bible study provides a personal means of attaining the mind of God, growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

The Chemistry of Government

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Expectation of reward, fear of disadvantage, and charisma all constitute the chemistry of government and childrearing, but require the right proportion.

Socialism is Mob Rule (Part One)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Socialism is a denial of law, resulting in the masses to plundering the productive. When agitators convince people of their victimhood, they unleash mob rule.

Don't Stop, Keep Moving

Sermon by Mike Ford

The priest Eli is a tragic example of someone who began his tenure with energy, but coasted into complacency, eventually winking at flagrant sin in his sons.

Ecclesiastes: What is it All About? (Part Two)

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The activities that Solomon put to the test and found wanting are exactly those things the world emphasizes: hedonism, silliness, mirth, and foolishness.