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A Sin Unto Death

'Ready Answer' by Staff

I John 5:16 often raises questions about sin and its consequences. This verse is about more than appears on the surface, and holds out hope for backsliders.

Jesus Christ, the Bearer of Sin

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

The Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 53, plus the testimony of Peter and the author of Hebrews, show that Jesus fulfilled the azazel goat's role by bearing sin.

Basic Doctrines: Salvation

Bible Study by Earl L. Henn

Are you saved already or are you being saved? What is salvation anyway? What part do we play? Here is a study of God's Word on salvation.

The Second Death

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

For those who have submitted their lives to God, turning their lives around in repentance, there is no fear of the Second Death—eternal death in the Lake of Fire.

Sin, Christians, and the Fear of God

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Scripture takes a very stern view of sin because it is failure to live up to God's standard and destroys relationships, especially our relationship with God.

Sin and Overcoming, (Part 2): What Is Sin Like?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

When a righteous man feels an inclination to sin, God will place stumblingblocks in his way to force moral choices, as well as a watchman to give understanding.

Innocent Victims?

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

We often hear of 'innocent victims' dying in some tragic way, but are they truly innocent? The Bible gives God's perspective of the human condition.

Ensuring Our Calling

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Because judgment is now on the house of God, we must be diligent, making sure of our calling because it is not yet a sure thing without effort on our part.

Already Immortal?

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The essence of Satan's lie is, 'Go ahead and live as you like. There are no fatal consequences to your actions because you are already immortal.'

Do Angels Live Forever?

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

How will God deal with the demons? Here are four common assumptions made regarding Satan's and the demons' fate, along with a cohesive explanation.

God of Our Salvation

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The Great White Throne Judgment is a general resurrection to mortal life, allowing the majority of those who have ever lived an opportunity for salvation.

Eternal Torment?

'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The Bible does not teach that hell is a place of eternal torment. Instead, God will eradicate all sin and wickedness, not punish the wicked forever.

Four Views of Christ (Part 7)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Our lives parallel what Christ experienced: crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and glorification. The death of self must precede resurrection and glory.

The Cursed Redeemer

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Hanging on a tree was designated the punishment for the worst kind of sin. Jesus was hung on a tree, having fulfilled the curse of the law for us.

Living by Faith: God's Grace (Part One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Sometimes God's sense of justice seems unusual or strange to us, giving us many questions to ponder about fairness. Justice and fairness are not identical.

Christ Coming in the Flesh

Sermon/Bible Study by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

John and other biblical authors emphasize that Jesus Christ came in the flesh as a human being. Jesus had to be fully human to die for human sins.

The Great Flood (Part Eight)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God literally called Noah, offering him deliverance from the world catastrophe, and offering him a job of being a physical savior for all of creation.

How Does Faith Establish the Law? (Part Two)

'Ready Answer' by David C. Grabbe

The meaning of Romans 3:31 is plain unless one believes that grace abolishes God's law. Justification by faith is based on the law's true purpose.

Do Angels Live Forever? (Part One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

We cannot assume that angels are immortal and share the same kind of spirit God Almighty has; we cannot assume they are indestructible.