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An Illuminating Prophecy
CGG Weekly by Charles WhitakerPaul links God's ancient command, uttered on the first day of Creation of the physical world, to His ongoing spiritual work with mankind.

The Prophesied Creation of Light
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerThe apostle Paul finds prophecy in Genesis 1:3, 'Let there be light.' God's words foretell His ongoing creation of spiritual lights in a dark world.
Did God Create a Devil?
Herbert W. Armstrong BookletDid God create a Devil? When God created the heaven and the earth, did He create this earth in a state of confusion? Here are the answers from God's Word!
The Fall of Satan
Sermonette by Richard T. RitenbaughHelel became lifted up in pride because of the abundance of his trading, leading him to be excessively competitive, driving him to resentment against God.
The Absence-Presence Dichotomy and God's Spirit
Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)Paul's use of the presence-absence dichotomy clarified that absence does not materially affect the Work of God because the same Holy Spirit is always present.

Clouds (Part Three): The Revealing of Christ
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerClouds are frequently associated with the Day of the Lord. What will those clouds conceal and what will they reveal once drawn back?

The Christian Walk (Part Two): In Light
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughTo His disciples, Christ admonishes us to follow the light, imitate (or do) the light, and become sons of the light; to not just reflect light but become it.
All About Attitude
CGG Weekly by John ReissThere is nothing wrong with proving what we believe is true, but when God tells us to prove Him, it is a positive statement. He does not say to disprove Him.
Angelic Responsibilities
Sermon/Bible Study by Martin G. CollinsAngels were endowed with the capacity to think, reason, and form attitudes. Their function was and is to be God's messengers and ministers to His creation.
Patterns That We Live With
Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)God works in patterns and God has wired our minds to think in patterns. We need to be thankful for them and be careful that we don't misuse them.
God's Rest (Part 1)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe Sabbath rest depicts the miracle of conversion, in which the transformation of mankind into God's image brings about a rest in which God takes pleasure.
Shouting Gleanings and Singing Olives (Part One)
Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)Isaiah 24 prophesies that God will preserve a remnant made up of grape gleanings (the His Church) and of olives (national Israelites) who will sing together.
The Challenge of Growth in the New Eden
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)Young people need to prepare themselves now, envisioning themselves as architects, civil engineers, transportation engineers, explorers, and teachers.
Vanity (Part 1)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughVanity has many nuances, including transitoriness, futility, profitlessness, confusion, falseness, conceit, vainglory, denial, and idolatry.