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Was Jesus a Vegetarian?

'Ready Answer' by Mike Ford

Some assert that Jesus Christ was too compassionate not to be a vegetarian. Does the Bible indicate that our Savior abstained from eating meat?

Was Jesus a Vegetarian?

Sermonette by Mike Ford

Some claim Christ was a vegetarian on the basis that He was compassionate. Yet He at fish and the Passover lamb.

Our Genetically Altered Foods (Part Three)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Our food has been hopelessly contaminated by genetic modification. However, we must not look down on others who are unable to purchase organic foods.

Does God Allow the Hunting and Killing of Animals?

Bible Questions & Answers

It is not against God's will to kill and use animals for food, nor is it wrong to kill predators. This does not mean that game should be killed recklessly.

Did God Change the Law of Clean and Unclean Meats?

'Ready Answer' by John O. Reid

Were the clean and unclean laws abolished at the cross? A closer look at the pertinent New Testament scriptures reveals God's intent.

Making the Right Choice

CGG Weekly by John Reiss

The Bible is dogmatic about certain core doctrines, but we are left to decide how to understand other issues with principles we glean from His Word.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 14)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Proper diet demands responsible choices, and if we do not yield to God's laws governing nutrition, choosing the best foods, we will eventually pay the price.

Animal Idolatry

'Prophecy Watch' by Mike Ford

Have the animal rights groups gone too far? This movement borders on—if not transgresses—the line between concern and idolatry.

God Gives Grace to the Humble

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Genuine humility is one of the most elusive characteristics a person can attain. It consists of of self-respect accompanied by a genuine desire to serve.

Eating Out on the Sabbath

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

In the gray areas of applying God's Law, extending mercy and easing of burdens trumps legalism and hairsplitting.

Gluttony: A Lack of Self-Control (Part Two)

Article by Martin G. Collins

At its base, gluttony is nothing more than a lack of self-control. But there is also a more spiritual side to this prevalent sin.

The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The Colossian Christians were criticized by ascetics for the way they were keeping the Sabbath and holy days. Paul argues against a philosophy, not the law of God.