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The Role of Women
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsEven though feminist leaders have attacked the Bible for allegedly denigrating and demeaning women, God's Word emphasizes the honor and dignity of women.
Virtues Hard and Soft
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe 'hard' virtues displayed by men and 'soft' virtues displayed by women are partial traits of the God being. Both male and female are in His image.
Wonderful Women
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsAccording to God's vision of the institution of marriage, when man and wife follow the rule of submission and sacrificial love, patriarchy is a blessing.
Samson and the Christian (Part 5)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughSamson never really lived up to his potential, rarely using the power God had made available to him; he never raised an army or dispensed justice.
Habakkuk: A Prophet of Faith (Part Four)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWe may find God's means of correction discouraging, but when we place His actions in context with His overall plan, we can find peace in God's sovereignty.
Sermon by Clyde FinkleaGod established the weekly Sabbath on the seventh day of Creation; He established His Holy Days (moedim) on the fourth day. These are His appointments.
Faith (Part One)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWe would like God to instantly gratify our desires. Consequently, we find living by faith difficult; we do not trust that He has things under control.