Sermon: The Mystery of the Church

The Unity Necessary for Perfection

Given 05-Jun-22; 82 minutes


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At the first Pentecost, a unified church began expanding through the cooperative efforts of the apostles empowered with the dramatic gift of God's Holy Spirit. A powerful false church sprang up and overshadowed the true church, obscuring it up to the 20th century. About three decades ago, Jesus Christ scattered the church into hundreds of splinters to protect a remnant against antinomian apostasy. This scattering could be a sign of the end, as God tests the spiritual remnants to determine their loyalty to Him. Jacob's spiritual offspring, treasuring their independence, individualism, and free will, find it easy to effortlessly skip from one splinter group to another, taking attitudes with them, causing further division and conflict. Christ, in His noble priestly prayer (John 17:20-21), expressed the desire that His called-out ones be unified. We will not be made perfect until we have achieved this unity. We can achieve this desired unity and harmony if we use the gifts of God's Spirit with the motivation to selflessly serve, edify, and encourage our spiritual siblings. The booklets and teachings of our former affiliation were only starting points, ankle-deep compared to the fathomless depths of understanding God desires for us. Many members remained immature babes, unequipped to deal with the antinomian apostasy that destroyed the WCG. Too many enjoyed the spectator status of pay and pray, ignoring character building, repentance, and diligently responding to the spiritual gifts that God had entrusted to us to serve others.

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