Sermon: Recognizing the Intents of the Heart


Given 11-Mar-23; 69 minutes


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In the wisdom literature of the Scriptures (particularly in Proverbs), God's people are counseled to seek wisdom (the power of judging rightly) and discernment (the ability to consider the end of a particular thought pattern or behavior). It is important that parents teach their children to consider the consequences of what they intend to do, proactively preventing foolish, gullible, and simple behavior. The cultivation of discernment is a burdensome task, even for those endowed with God's Holy Spirit. But most of the world, having refused God's counsel, have given themselves over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28), believing a strong Satanic delusion (II Thessalonians 2:11). Discerning the truth requires attention to the tone, pace, accent, choice of vocabulary, body language, and other multiple factors, which may or may not yield insight. True spiritual discernment comes from above, using the Word of God, which is sharper than any two-edged sword, discerning the very thoughts or contents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Jesus Christ, having the Holy Spirit without measure, is our only standard for discerning the thoughts and hearts, determining whether something is sin or not. The thirst for wisdom and discernment is universal, but is only available through God's Holy Spirit, made possible through His calling and sanctification. As Solomon diligently sought wisdom and discernment, considering it more valuable than silver or gold, we must diligently apply His Spirit to attain the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16), seeking His ability to discern spiritual truth, a commodity currently lost to most of mankind deceived by lying delusions. Spiritual maturity is a lifelong trajectory, beginning with milk but eventually requiring solid food to exercise the senses (Hebrews 5:12-14) discerning the entire Body of Christ (John 17:21).

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