Sermon: Glory Be


Given 08-Apr-23; 37 minutes


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While accomplishments and victories in the physical sphere can be fulfilling, the euphoria soon fades, the glory dissipates, and we crave more and more, just like an addictive drug. In the spiritual realm, however, spiritual glory consists of reflecting the intense light of Almighty God (I John 1:5). Just as a diamond cannot radiate light on its own in the darkness, we cannot reflect God's glory without His marvelous light. The Hebrew word for glory carries the connotation of a burden or responsibility, designating Our Savior's example to glorify the Father in every thought, word, deed and at every turn (John 1:14) as His disciples are asked to do (Matthew 5:16). As mortal humans, we cannot see God's glory at full strength, as Moses demonstrated for us. However, as resurrected members of God's Church, the Bride of Christ (Revelation 21:9-11; Isaiah 60:1-9, 14,19), like a precious stone, reflecting the light of her Bridegroom, we can experience godly glory, reflecting His intense luminosity. Our Lord and Savior did what we could not, so we can share in His glory, seeing Him as He is (I John 3:2).

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