Sermon: Preparing For the End

Lessons From the Black Death

Given 02-Mar-24; 34 minutes


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Although colds, flues, and viruses have been around for millennia (Exodus 15:26), we have recently all experienced the Covid-19 pandemic. Historically, wasting pandemics have decimated entire populations, such as the Bubonic Plague (Black Death), literally cutting 14th century Europe's population in half, destroying 50 million people. In the 1950s, the polio epidemic struck panic in millions of people. We must realize that being prepared by living life according to what God has called us will prepare us to face the trials and tribulations ahead. It is obvious that the stench of modern Babylon's sins has reached up to heaven like Sodom and Gomorrah and the time right before the Flood. The plagues could be viewed as judgment on the earth for violating God's health and economic laws, the Shemitah, the land Sabbath, and the Jubilee—violated by Christians and the other world religions equally. The plagues gave the land a Sabbath rest and equalized the disparity between rich and poor. As we head rapidly toward the end times, plagues will increase, meaning we must run our race deliberately and with intense focus, taking solace in Psalm 91:3-11 offering protection from terror, pestilence, and the ravages of war. Deuteronomy 28:58-63 shows a direct connection between embracing God's laws and avoiding the hideous plagues of Egypt.

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