Commentary: Quotes Regarding the Federal Reserve (Part Two)

Established and Maintained Through Lying

Given 03-Sep-11; 14 minutes


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The Federal Reserve is a private corporation masquerading as an official agency of the Federal Government, which recklessly prints greenbacks backed up by nothing but I.O.U.s, while shamelessly lying to the American people. Former President Woodrow Wilson apologized to the American people for unleashing this unscrupulous credit agency which had grown out of control, claiming it was the most dangerous and irresponsible decision he had made in his presidency. The Federal Reserve Bank, patterned after a system crafted in ancient Babylon, concentrates power in the hands of a few power-hungry men. Since 1913, this illegal organization has bamboozled administration after administration. Many Americans, living "on the take" and "voting their pocketbook," do not care about illegalities as long as they get their bread and circuses. In 1981, Representative Wright Patmon of Texas claimed that we currently have two governments—one legally constituted and one illegal. In the 1930's, Senator Louis McFadden of Pennsylvania charged that the Federal Reserve System is the most corrupt, evil organization ever created, systematically destroying the vital economy of the United States of America, draining all the real wealth and replacing it with phony paper notes worth less than Monopoly money. Andrew Jackson called them a den of robbers and routed them out. Sadly, they have regained power and the American people do not care.

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