Commentary: Pre-Flood Underwater Discoveries


Given 09-Jan-16; 13 minutes


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Unbiased archeological evidence, uncontaminated by farcical Darwinism, corroborates the Biblical account of a universal flood and of thriving civilizations existing up to the time of the deluge recorded in scripture. Dr. John Osgood of the Creation Ministries International has calculated the time of the Noachic flood to have been around 2304BC. In the 1980's a huge underground pyramid was discovered off the coast of Japan, estimated to be around 4000 years old, clearly a pre-flood structure. Other evidence of pre-flood civilizations were found in the Aegean Sea as well as the estimated 5000 year old city of Pavlovpetri in southern Greece, indicating technologically advanced pre-flood civilizations, totally at odds with Darwinian fairy tales of dull pre-humanoid Cavemen descended from Apes.


Out of all the amazing archaeological discoveries made each and every day around the world, nothing captivates the mind and imagination like those that emerge from the depths of the ocean. There is something about the underwater world that intrigues us and piques our curiosity about what else may lay beneath the surface, or the idea that entire cities may be hidden on the ocean floor, out of sight and out of reach.

Thankfully, underwater discoveries are not always out of reach, and every year more incredible findings are made thanks to advancing technology in the field of marine archaeology. Underwater discoveries remind us that our world and cultures are constantly moving and changing. The most significant event to change not only the topography of our planet—but even more earth-shattering—the whole course of human history was, of course, Noah’s Flood.

Chapters 7—8 of the book of Genesis describe that the floodwaters covered all the high mountains, carrying with them marine creatures and sweeping away all air-breathing, land-dwelling life. And as we would expect, we find billions of dead plants and animals buried and fossilized in sand, mud, and lime that were deposited rapidly by water in rock layers all over the earth.

Dr. John Osgood of Creation Ministries International in its Creation Magazine publication explains,

The question as to exactly when Noah’s Flood occurred has seen a variety of different answers from scholars through the years. The only possible way such a date could be obtained is if the documented evidence which exists provides enough clues to pinpoint the event. Now, while there are many documents and folk histories concerning Noah’s Flood, the most detailed description occurs in the Biblical text. Does the Bible contain sufficient chronological data to enable us to put a time on Noah’s Flood? I believe it does and I believe it does this so clearly that no doubt should remain either about the timing or the nature of this judgment by God upon this earth.

Dr. Osgood goes on to state, “The Biblical data places the Flood at 2304 BC ± 11 years.” Other bible scholars date it at around 2350-2324 BC So for all practical purposes, it probably happened during the 2300s BC That was about 4,300 years ago.

Mainstream academia, scientists and archaeologists ignore the fact that over 700 narratives from all over the world—from every tribe, nation and civilization—record variations of Noah’s Flood. They deny the global Flood ever happened, even though the evidence is clearly recorded in the deep rock strata, fossils, and submerged ruins.

The pop culture elitists and academics don’t want to talk about the submerged islands, ruins and ancient artifacts that lay beneath the ocean blue because it exposes their farcical Darwinism and their faulty pre-history dating for the lie that it is. They say things like, "This civilization is 12,000 years old"; "that civilization is 100,000 years old," and so on.

Let me give you three examples of underwater discoveries:

First, there is an extraordinary discovery situated 68 miles beyond the east coast of Taiwan near Yonaguni, which is the westernmost part of Japan and is the midpoint between the island of Okinowa and Taiwan. The Yonaguni Islands are a remarkable place for their rugged and mountainous coastlines. The sea off the southern shore of Yonaguni is a popular diving location during the winter months due to its large population of hammerhead sharks.

In the mid-1980s, while looking for a good place to observe the sharks while diving, Kihachiro Aratake, a director of the Yonaguni-Cho Tourism Association, noticed some singular seabed formations resembling architectonic structures. Believing he had discovered a sunken city, Aratake announced his discovery, but there was not much interest and it was shrugged off by mainstream archaeologists.

About a decade later, in 1996, Professor Masaaki Kimura, a professor at the University of Ryukyus, began to survey the structure. While Kimura strongly maintains that the site is evidence for an advanced prehistoric civilization, other mainstream academics argued that the structure was the result of natural phenomena.

One structure, called the Yonaguni Pyramid, has staircase-like terraces with flat sides and sharp corners. It is a superb man-made artifact made out of solid rock slabs which stand erect at right angles. This 328 ft. x 164 ft. x 82 ft. pyramid-shaped structure has finely designed hallways and staircases. But the interesting thing about this massive stone building is that it had arches made of beautifully fitted stone blocks bearing resemblance with the building architectural style of the Inca civilization.

It is estimated to be more than 4,000 years old, which is remarkably early for the kind of technology that has been used for carving it. Research in the ensuing years has arrived at a consensus that the structure is indeed a man-made monolith carved from a natural formation.

The second amazing example is a large city that was discovered submerged in the Aegean Sea by a team of experts while they were searching for evidence of the oldest village in Europe. The settlement dates back more than 4,500 years. It consists of stone defensive structures, paved surfaces, pathways, towers, pottery, tools, and other artifacts.

In total, more than 6,000 artifacts were pulled up from the ruins, which Professor Julien Beck, of the University of Geneva, has called an “archaeologist’s paradise.” The obsidian blades found there are believed to have come from volcanic glass sourced at the island of Milos in the Cyclades archipelago, which were inhabited prior to the mid-third century BC.

The researchers hope that further investigations at and around Lambayanna Beach in Greece’s Kiladha Bay may provide new insight into a dense network of coastal settlements spread throughout the Aegean Sea - including trade, shipping, and day-today life from the period. Of the significance of the site, Beck said:

The importance of our discovery is partly due to the large size. There must have been a brick superstructure above a stone foundation. The chances of finding such walls under water are extremely low. The full size of the facility is not yet known. We do not know why it is surrounded by fortifications.

The walls are contemporaneous with the pyramids at Giza that were built around 2600 BC, as well as the Cycladic civilization (3200 BC). However, they precede the first great Greek civilization by one thousand years.

The third example is another site off the coast of Greece. It is submerged off the coast of southern Laconia in Peloponnese, Greece. There is a small village called Pavlopetri, where a nearby submerged ancient city dating back 5,000 years resides. The city can be found about 13 feet underwater and is believed to be the oldest known submerged city in the world.

Unlike other underwater ruins, which are incomplete or difficult to verify as actual man-made structures, Pavlopetri has a complete town plan. The city is incredibly well designed with roads, two story houses with gardens, temples, a cemetery, and a complex water management system including channels and water pipes.

In the center of the city, there is a square or plaza measuring about 130 ft. x 65 ft. and most of the buildings have been found with up to 12 rooms inside. Research in 2009 revealed that evidence shows that it had been inhabited prior to 2800 BC.

However, despite this, and even after 5,000 years, the arrangement of the city is still clearly visible and at least 15 buildings have been found. The city’s arrangement is so clear that the head of the archaeological team, John Henderson of the University of Nottingham, and his team, have been able to create what they believe is an extremely accurate 3D reconstruction of the city.

There are many more of these underwater man-made pre-Flood megaliths, roads, walls and buildings. They have also been found off Lampedusa, west of Malta, off the coast of Spain near Cadiz. Megaliths identical to those in Peru are found under the Black Sea off the coast of Sochi and Napa City.

Often mainstream scientists, historians, and archaeologists choose to ignore such discoveries or purposely misdate them to avoid proving biblical events. But the fact remains, as Moses writes,

Genesis 7:11-12 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened. And rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

Genesis 7:17 The flood continued forty days on the earth. The waters increased and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth.

Genesis 7:24 And the waters prevailed on the earth 150 days.


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