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Political Correctness in Spades (Part Two)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Political correctness is a savage war on truth in which a gullible public is persuaded to dismiss evidence people witness with their own eyes.

Eroding Religious Freedom

'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Freedom of religion in America is being slowly eroded rather than removed en masse. However, the Bible encourages us in such times.

Political Correctness in Spades (Part Three)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Leftist change agents, influenced by Satan, are engaged in one unified agenda, namely the destruction of culture and the destruction of Christianity.

Unmasking Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (Part Two)

Commentary by David F. Maas

Some billionaire 'philanthropists' have profound messiah complexes that drive them to promise peace, prosperity and health, but which pose existential threats.

What's in the Bucket? (Part Four)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, considered the black race inferior, and sought a way to reduce it. The black population is beginning to die out.

Loyalty and Submission (Part 1)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

In marriage, loyalty, trust and subjection are demanded of both partners. If we are not loyal to God and life, we are automatically subject to Satan and death.

Should a Christian Enforce Unjust Laws?

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Christians must detach themselves from a Satanically inspired justice system which enforces tyrannical, unjust rules that violate God's law.

The Big Lie (Part Two)

Commentary by Mark Schindler

One of Satan's lies is that the time has come for civilization to jettison marriage, procreation, and the family as outmoded relics of a patriarchal past.

What's in the Bucket? (Part Five)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Gullible people habitually accept Satanic concepts, proffered by progressive liberal forces without scientific proof, such as that people can change genders.

Is Education the Answer? (Part 1)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Educating narrowly in technical skills, without giving attention to the moral dimension, does not prepare one adequately for life.

Hebrews 2: God Is Present

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

God's people must immerse themselves daily in the Scriptures. While sinning Israelites consider God to be absent, He is nevertheless present with His saints.

Psalms: Book Three (Part Three)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Psalm 75 reveals that God both promotes and removes individuals from positions of power and He has the final say as to how power will be administrated.

A Heritage and a Reward

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

American society is cursed because the family, its most important component, is dysfunctional. It is impossible to raise families without God.

'As It Was In the Days of Noah'

'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

When Jesus said the end time would be like the days of Noah, did He mean that the last days would be violent and corrupt, or that they would come suddenly?

God's Stare Decisis

Sermon by Mark Schindler

'Stare Decisis' is a principle that precedent should determine legal decision in making a case involving similar facts.

Loyalty and Submission (Part 2)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Loyalty and submission to God (not always easy) empowers and guarantees ultimate success and leadership, actually freeing us from the fear of death.