Commentary: Political Correctness in Spades (Part Three)
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 06-Aug-16; 12 minutes
description: (hide) Leftist change agents are engaged in one unified agenda, namely the destruction of culture and the destruction of Christianity. They are guided by the prince of the power of the air and have successfully created confusion in culture, pitting neighbor against neighbor, weakening the structure of our civilization. A large percentage of our citizenry have accepted the noxious propositions of these change agents. Four examples of such propositions include 1) The preposterous assumptions behind the Black Lives Matter movement, 2) The equally unreasonable notion that white policemen should not be permitted to protect themselves from juvenile thugs, 3) The tacit license granted by society to Planned Parenthood to slay over 300,000 Black infants annually and 4) The endorsement of the scientifically bogus claim of gender-dysphoria, with its resultant public policy of allowing individuals who feel they have been born in the wrong gender to surgically 'switch' body styles. (Serious scientific studies have indicated that the DNA code has been pre-set at birth, and that superficial cutting and pasting does not meaningfully alter gender-specific biological hardware or its supporting chemical processes.) The nadir of liberal childishness is its denial of the reality of human nature, leading to the idea that the confiscation of firearms will result in an end to violence. Liberalism is clearly a dangerous, progressively debilitating mental disorder.
The change agents in America and elsewhere are attempting to create cultures in which nobody, apparently under any circumstance whatever, ever has to feel out of the loop, embarrassed, and/or rejected.
This is impossible, and most of those attempting this know full well that it is impossible. But they are pushing change on the entire culture because the one influencing them has another, far more sinister purpose. Whether they realize it or not, they are under Satan’s control. It is he who has influenced them to his views in order that they aid him in destroying this nation, and within it, Christianity too. Why Christianity? Because much of the cultural customs they are trying to blur and ultimately destroy have their roots in Christianity and the Bible.
Meanwhile, along the way they create confusion within the culture by pitting neighbors against neighbors and fellow townspeople against each other, and thus they weaken the stability and structure of entire areas. It is working very well. A large percentage of the population has accepted the change agents' propositions. Not because they really believe them, but simply because they really don’t know what to believe so they acquiesce and move with the threatening mob. What you are witnessing is liberalism/progressivism in the raw.
I showed you statistical proof last week regarding the Black Lives Matter organization and the huge disparity between Black babies killed by Planned Parenthood compared to Black adult men killed by the police. The statistical analyses makes it very clear Black lives don’t matter to that Black organization when the lives snuffed out are babies'. What a hypocrisy displayed by both organizations—Planned Parenthood and Black Lives Matter. However, with political correctness, hypocrisy is acceptable!
Every year in many school districts, strong efforts are made to secure governmental handouts in the form of taxes collected from the citizens so teachers can receive wage increases, new schools can be built, computer equipment bought, etc. The cry goes out that "we’ve got to do all we can to take care of the children." Sounds good—OK, fine. Right now, North Carolina is at the heart of the bathroom issue which the feminist and homosexual political forces want to ensure are opened to people who feel—this is the key word—they are sexually different from what their birth certificate says. I want you to know that I don’t deny their feeling at all. But should they have access to different public toilet areas because of a feeling?
Charlotte city and Mecklenburg County have over 200,000 children attending school. The homosexual/lesbian population of this area is estimated to be about about just under 20,000. Sexual predators already have a sexual problem, but regardless, the powers that be in Democratic administrations here in Mecklenburg and Charlotte are willing to put the children at risk to be at the mercy of the predators rather than protecting them.
This is nothing more that raw bribery. This is nothing more than appeasing a voting block at the cost of putting children at risk. Don't you think there is something wrong here in their thinking? The politicians are buying votes, fixing something that doesn’t need fixed, and in addition will be financially very costly to accommodate these mentally ill voters.
Here’s another item that goes along with this same line of thinking—another for you to mull on. It is demanded that we agree Caitlyn Jenner is a woman. Think about this. They are trying to force this upon us, that we agree that Caitlyn Jenner is a women, even though Caitlyn (that is, Bruce Jenner) was born a man, has the biology of a man, and has the DNA of a man, and that DNA cannot be changed.
The only way anyone can say Caitlyn is a woman is if they are pressured to abandon common sense and surrender to the mass delusion of a culture going insane. Caitlyn Jenner is a dude pretending to be a woman. Let's be honest.
You might think my last statement regarding a culture going insane is off base. Are you aware that Bruce Jenner, pretending to be a woman, won a “Woman of the Year” award? This is stupidity—mass stupidity—and that is a pretty fair indication our culture has gone off the deep end. Those who awarded this distinction are telling us they could find no real woman better than Bruce Jenner impersonating a woman in all of America. That is insanity! What an insult to real woman who have really accomplished something. Where is the common sense?
I had a book written by a well-known psychologist but that book was above my pay grade so I got rid of it. It was taking me too long to read. But this man said at least one thing that even I understood. He said that liberalism as we are seeing displayed in the United States of America is a mental illness.
Here is something in the news in some way almost every day. These liberals are attempting to get you to accept through constant repetition the delusion that guns kill people, when the simple reality—common sense—is that guns are used to kill people. The problem is in the heart. That is a major difference. Tied to that is a second delusion: It is that if we just got rid of the guns, violence would virtually disappear. What are those people drinking? Tied to that is a third delusion: that people who routinely break the law will somehow magically change when the power of the gun is removed.
Here is the truth directly from the record in God’s Word. Mark this in your mind—it is a truth: Laws do not restrict the actions of people who do not follow the law. That is so simple! Does the existence of the Ten Commandments stop us from sinning? Absolutely not! But these people who want to get rid of guns are simply overlooking common sense.