Commentary: A Dark Cloud on the Horizon
Clyde Finklea
Given 30-May-20; 12 minutes
description: (hide) In an article in the February 2020 Advent Messenger, Andy Rohan warned of the demise of the Seventh Day Adventist Church for signing the January 25, 2020 "Ecumenical Charter" with Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicans, Evangelicals, and Methodists. Pope Francis' 2030 agenda calls for a one world Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. The Papacy cast out its net to the evangelicals in July of 2014, contacting luminaries such as James Robison and Joel Osteen, with the goal of bringing the world's religions together through humanism, a secular philosophy, brazenly espousing "Good without God." The Papal goal is to build channels of brotherhood instead of walls of divisions. Papal tolerance extends to everyone, except to those who disagree with homosexuality, abortion, climate change, and the radical environmentalism, namely the Fundamentalists, long considered dangerous extremists by the Papacy, mainstream 'Christianity' and humanists. The Lawless One (II Thessalonians 4:9) working under the power of Satan, plans to assemble an anti-God confederacy with a shared devotion to sin. In 2016, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, both Jesuit-educated, attended a conference led by Arturo Sosa, the new Jesuits black pope, portending the looming danger of Rome to the end-time offspring of Jacob.
I'm going to talk to you today a little bit about the Pope’s 2030 agenda. I'm not going to go over the whole agenda; I just want to talk to you about a part of it, the part where he wants to bring about a one world church.
According to an article by the Advent Messenger (a Seventh-Day Adventist magazine) headlined, “Pope moving closer to the one world church”:
Seventh Day Adventists, Roman Catholics and Evangelicals sign an historic “Ecumenical Charter” that affirms faith in one Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.
On Saturday, January 25, 2020 a historical “Ecumenical Charter” was signed by Seventh-day Adventists, Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicans, Evangelicals and Methodists.
The signing ceremony took place in the San Paolo Maggiore Roman Catholic Church in Bologna, Italy.
The Ecumenical Charter declares that the church is “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.”
What amazed me about this particular report is that it included the Seventh-Day Adventists. They teach, like a lot of churches do, that the Roman Catholic Church is the harlot of Revelation. But they have signed an agreement with them.
The most important task of the churches, it says, is "to proclaim the gospel together through word and action," not through God's word, but "through word and action for the salvation of all human beings." The Ecumenical Charter declares that the churches are called together in the unity of faith. Not "the faith," but "of faith."
Back in February 2019, the Catholic National Reporter (CNR) reported, “US Catholic officials welcome Catholic-Muslim document signed by the pope.”
Later, in September 2019, the CNR reported, “Muslim leader meets Pope Francis.” This Muslim leader, I believe, was from India or Indonesia, and he represents about 50 million Muslims.
Back in July 2014, the pope also met with televangelists—some of you have heard of these people; they are Sunday morning preachers—Kenneth Coleman and James Robinson, just weeks after he met with televangelist Joel Osteen and other religious leaders. Joel Osteen must have 45,000 followers. It looks like he's got that many in his church, if you're ever seen that big church he has.
So, the Pope wants to bring all the religions of the world together, not through doctrine, but through humanism. Being united and getting along with each other is what he talks about.
I don't remember when it was, but I do remember the president of the Mormon church meeting with the Pope at the Vatican, and this president said that even though they have doctrinal issues, doctrine is not the most important thing, he said—it's that we all get along with each other. Really?
What is humanism? There are a lot of different definitions of it; most of them probably are pretty similar. I looked up the definition from the American Humanist Association, and it says,
Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism or other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good.
If you look at the logo of the American Humanist Association, they have their name, and then a line, and right beneath the line it says, "Good without God." We know where they stand, right?
Some people look at this, and they hear these things, and they say, "What's wrong with that? It sounds kind of nice." But you know what? There is one little problem that needs to be done away with.
Do you remember Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show? I know some of you older people remember that. Barney said, "You just gotta nip it. You gotta nip it in the bud. Just nip it."
Well, the Pope has something he has to nip in the bud. In September 2019, the CNR reported: "Pope Francis declares that Christian Fundamentalist are 'a scourge.'" A scourge?
I was listening to News, Nuggets, and Insights with Tom Kerry, and he said another word for "scourge" is "plague." I believe they mention that in some of their articles, that fundamentalists are "a plague."
What is a scourge? I looked it up, too. One of the definitions is, "A person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering." So, fundamentalists are people who cause trouble.
He goes on to say in this article,
Beware of the fundamentalist groups. Everyone has his own. In Argentina, too, there is a little fundamentalist corner. And let us try, with fraternity, to go forward. Fundamentalism is a scourge and all religions have some kind of fundamentalist first cousin there which forms a group.
And just what is a Christian fundamentalist? This a quote from Dr. Dale Robbin, a Christian author:
Similarly, liberal society uses the term fundamentalist to identify any Christian whom they consider to be an extremist. Generally, they classify a Christian as a radical fundamentalist if they merely believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible, if they hold views against sexual permissiveness [fornication, adultery], homosexuality, abortion on demand, or any views which are politically incorrect.
Does that sounds like anyone you know? Well, just look around! And to this list, we could add those that believe in the keeping of God’s commandments, including the Sabbath and Holy Days. Looks like the churches of God that hold fast to the doctrines of the apostles are probably at the top of list!
The Pope goes on to talk about, “Changing the culture of beliefs”:
The Pope explained a way to adopt a culture of dialogue while respecting each other’s unique identity.
The complex human reality of brotherhood, the pope continued, can be seen in scripture when God asks Cain about the whereabouts of his brother. [I believe you can see that he is taking that out of context just a little bit, because didn't Cain just kill his brother?] That same question must be asked today and lead members of all religions to reflect on ways of becoming channels of brotherhood instead of walls of division. [You see, we fundamentalists create "walls of division."]
To see the dangers of fundamentalism [Dangers! We're dangerous people?], Christians must also reflect on their own history.
Did you get that? What history is he referring to? Was he talking about when true Christians were persecuted and martyred, because they refused to buy in to lies and stop keeping the Sabbath and conform to what the Pope and the Catholic Church was keeping? Maybe that is exactly what he is thinking about.
In II Thessalonians 2:9-10, it says,
II Thessalonians 2:9-10 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
I’ve just skimmed the surface of this 2030 agenda; there’s much more to it—the Green New Deal, climate change, equality, etc. But it is real. The meeting on May 14 of 2020 (which was cancelled) was to kick off the 2030 agenda. There is a lot more to it, and there are a lot more people he has met with.
As I begin to close, I to leave you with a tidbit of information that you may not know. It is a quote from President Abraham Lincoln, during the Civil War. I don't know how many of you have heard of this. I really didn't hear this until this past year. Lincoln said:
I do not pretend to be a prophet, but though not a prophet, I see a very dark cloud on our horizon; and that cloud is coming from Rome. It is filled with tears of blood. The true motive—power—is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome.
Even Lincoln could see where the trouble was coming from.
There was a conference in 2016 that included Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci (a leading member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force), and the Black Pope Arturo Sosa. Arturo is the Superior General of the Jesuits. They call him "the Black Pope," not because of race, but because he dresses all in black. Kind of mysterious.
Anyway, I just wanted to leave you with this theme, because we are seeing Dr. Fauci so much: Dr. Fauci attended two Jesuit schools.